Online Discussion: Nobody Must Die

Getting Attention on Fatality Prevention before it happens – The Focused Approach to Serious Injury and Fatality Prevention Join Martin Dean and Thomas Meier for this online discussion. This event is now full.  Please contact us directly for more information on preventing Serious Injuries and Fatalities.

Online Discussion: Nobody Must Die

Getting Attention on Fatality Prevention before it happens – The Focused Approach to Serious Injury and Fatality Prevention Join Martin Dean and Thomas Meier for this online discussion.

WEBINAR: Safe Decision Making®

Video Conference

In this webinar Filip Coumans and Thomas Meier will share how decision-making at ALL levels within an organization impacts safety, including data from our study of 60 Serious Injuries or Fatalities among 6 multi-national organizations. We identified more than 600 decisions that contributed to these incidents, finding that 33% of the decisions were made at...

WEBINAR: Two Components Every 2025 Safety Plan Should Include

Do you have a goal to reduce Serious Injuries and fatalities in 2025? Do you treat “blood, break, and bruise” injuries differently from larger, more life-threatening incidents? Are you applying the new SIF paradigm to your safety plan? Join Rebecca Timmins on Wednesday, October 30th as she discusses these topics in a free webinar titled...


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