Why Safety Is Good Business: The Importance of a Healthy Safety Culture

Most people readily agree that safety is good business, but they span an enormous spectrum in what they mean by that and the degree to which they truly understand the connection between safety and their business. Understanding that connection is important. Without the right understanding, anyone who recognizes their fiduciary duty to their organization will…

These Three Criteria Determine the Value of a Safety Culture Survey

Most leading organizations today use a culture survey of one kind or another. Some are directly related to safety and some indirectly. Often they are given annually. How worthwhile are these instruments and how should they be used? Whether your survey is designed to measure organizational culture in general, safety culture in particular, or both,…

Platitudes about Safety Culture Degrade Performance

Organizational leaders recognize the importance of getting the culture right in order to enhance safety performance. A positive work environment is essential. But all too often they approach the safety culture issue with worn out platitudes. I once coached an inexperienced leader in his first job of supervising three manufacturing plants. He came up through…