
Serious Injury and Fatality Prevention – 15 Years Later

Our first study on serious injury and fatality prevention revealed that these types of incidents had very different precursors compared to other types of injuries. Now, taking this understanding to the next level, our continued research has shown the need to look at where organizations sit on the SIF Maturity Curve.

What Every Executive Should Look for in a Safety Dashboard

Why Your Safety Dashboard Deserves Executive Attention On the day of his retirement, the head of EHS at a large, global manufacturing company sent a note filled with advice for his friends and colleagues. This note summed up his decades-long experience.  The first item on this list was “Stop the Spitting Contest,” or something to…

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The 7 Crucial Things all Leaders Need to Know About Safety

In our work at Krause Bell Group, we’ve found that the most important ingredient in any safety program is strong leadership. But all too often, senior leaders don’t “get” safety at the level they need to in order to be effective. So what is it that senior leaders need to ‘Get’ about safety? What is…

Does Focusing on SIFs Mean Ignoring Smaller Injuries?

In our book “7 Insights into Safety Leadership,” Tom Krause and I make the point that leaders should start with a focus on preventing serious injuries and fatalities (SIFs). What does it mean to focus on SIFs? What doesn’t it mean? Why is a SIF focus better? First, A Clarification Focusing on SIFs does not mean that smaller injuries are unimportant….