Chave para equipes de alto desempenho e seguras: conhecer as pessoas como indivíduos

Grandes líderes entendem que os membros de sua equipe não são apenas funcionários, mas indivíduos com experiências, motivações e necessidades únicas. Essa abordagem personalizada, conhecida pela comunidade psicológica como “Consideração Individual”, é essencial para líderes que visam construir equipes de alto desempenho e melhorar a segurança no local de trabalho. Quando os líderes dedicam tempo…

Ouvir para aprender no trabalho: pesquisa e aplicação prática

Introdução Escutar é uma habilidade essencial no local de trabalho que molda a forma como os funcionários se conectam com seus líderes, constroem confiança na organização e se mantêm motivados no trabalho. No Krause Bell Group, nós também descobrimos que escutar os líderes é um alicerce essencial para a cultura e o aprendizado necessários se…

Construindo equipes inteligentes para eliminar SIFs

Grandes equipes são a espinha dorsal de toda organização segura e bem-sucedida. Pesquisas na última década mostram que equipes com altos níveis de inteligência coletiva trabalham de forma mais inteligente e eficaz à medida que resolvem problemas complexos, incluindo a eliminação de riscos graves no local de trabalho.1 O que é Inteligência Coletiva (IC)? A…

Listening to Learn at Work: Research and Practical Application

Introduction Listening is a key workplace skill that shapes how employees connect with their leaders, build trust in the organization, and stay motivated on the job. At Krause Bell Group, we have also found that listening by leaders is an essential building block for the culture and learning required if we are going to eliminate…

Building Smart Teams to Eliminate SIFs

Great teams are the backbone of every safe and successful organization. Research over the past decade shows that teams with high levels of collective intelligence work smarter and more effectively as they solve complex problems, including eliminating serious workplace hazards.1 What Is Collective Intelligence (CI)? Collective Intelligence (CI) is a group’s ability to work effectively on a…

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Chapter 4: 7 Insights into Safety Leadership

Culture Sustains Performance — For Better or For Worse This is an excerpt from Chapter 4 of Tom Krause and Kristen Bell’s book “7 Insights into Safety Leadership.” We’ve never met a leader that didn’t want a better culture for their organization. Statements like, “we need to change the culture,” are heard every day in…

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4 Questions Board Members Should Ask About Safety Culture

It was 1993 and Paul O’Neill was attending his first board meeting as a Director at one of the largest companies in the world. Just as the meeting was coming to a close, O’Neill asked, “Where is the safety report?” As the story goes, no safety report was planned but the question had profound effects. It set the company on the path to creating safety excellence and embedding safety as a cultural value. Board member influence can do that — uniquely — and it saves lives while creating business value.

Key to High-Performing and Safe Teams: Knowing People as Individuals

Great leaders understand that their team members are not just employees but individuals with unique experiences, motivations, and needs. This personalized approach, known by the psychological community as “Individual Consideration,” is essential for leaders who aim to build high-performing teams and improve workplace safety. When leaders take the time to know their team members as…


Serious Injury and Fatality Prevention – 15 Years Later

Our first study on serious injury and fatality prevention revealed that these types of incidents had very different precursors compared to other types of injuries. Now, taking this understanding to the next level, our continued research has shown the need to look at where organizations sit on the SIF Maturity Curve.

Aligning Executive Pay with the Goal of Fatality Elimination

In the complex landscape of corporate governance, compensation committees and boards of directors face the critical task of designing executive compensation packages that not only drive performance but also align with the organization’s core values and safety improvement strategy. This alignment is crucial in industries …

How Leadership Decision Making Influences Worker Well-Being

Organizational leaders are increasingly concerned with the well-being of people in their organization, and they should be. Interpersonal conflict, frustration, detachment, absenteeism, and chronic stress are all signs that burnout or turnover are approaching. At a deeper level is the person’s sense of connectedness, inclusion, and efficacy. Deeper still, people want to be part of…