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From Krause Bell Group

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  • Serious Injury and Fatality Prevention – 15 Years Later

    By Tom Krause • May 31, 2024
    Our first study on serious injury and fatality prevention revealed that these types of incidents had very different precursors compared to other types of injuries. Now, taking this understanding to the next level, our continued research has shown the need to look at where organizations sit on the SIF Maturity Curve.
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  • What is Safety Culture?

    By Tom Krause • May 22, 2024
    In this video Dr. Krause talks about the difference between “organizational culture” and “safety culture.”
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  • Aligning Executive Pay with the Goal of Fatality Elimination

    By Kristen Bell • March 25, 2024
    In the complex landscape of corporate governance, compensation committees and boards of directors face the critical task of designing executive compensation packages that not only drive performance but also align with the organization’s core values and safety improvement strategy. This alignment is crucial in industries …
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  • How Leadership Decision Making Influences Worker Well-Being

    By Tom Krause • September 26, 2023
    Organizational leaders are increasingly concerned with the well-being of people in their organization, and they should be. Interpersonal conflict, frustration, detachment, absenteeism, and chronic stress are all signs that burnout or turnover are approaching. At a deeper level is the person’s sense of connectedness, inclusion, and efficacy. Deeper still, people want to be part of…
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  • Building a Deeper Relationship between Operations and Safety

    By Tony Paul • July 31, 2023
    The purpose of this article is to challenge the traditional relationship between senior operations leaders and leaders in the safety function, using the risk matrix as an exemplar and catalyst for change. We contend the traditional relationship has the operations leader delegating pivotal safety decisions to their safety counterparts. The lack of involvement contributes to…
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  • What Every Executive Should Look for in a Safety Dashboard

    By Kristen Bell • August 29, 2022
    Why Your Safety Dashboard Deserves Executive Attention On the day of his retirement, the head of EHS at a large, global manufacturing company sent a note filled with advice for his friends and colleagues. This note summed up his decades-long experience.  The first item on this list was “Stop the Spitting Contest,” or something to…
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  • ABC Analysis

    By Kristen Bell • August 13, 2020
    Here’s a 5-step method for an ABC analysis, with an example. Step 1 Pinpoint a single action that you want to change. Be extremely specific. Think of a specific person, at a specific point in time, in a specific situation. Step 2 Identify as many antecedents that were present in that specific situation. Antecedents are…
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  • Making Good Decisions in a Sea of Statistics

    By Kristen Bell • March 29, 2020
    We think we know things we really don’t know, and as a result our decisions are comprised. Effective decision makers are willing to apply some rigor. The deeper our commitment to objective, honest, non-politicized information, the better our decisions will be, and the sooner we will find ourselves back on terra firma.
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  • The BBS Dilemma Part 4

    By Tom Krause • October 6, 2019
    Part 4 is about how leadership can design a Serious and Fatal Injuries (SIF) initiative to revitalize an existing BBS initiative.
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Here you will find some of our best insights into safety leadership, culture, SIF Prevention and decision-making.

Organizational Decision Making for Safety: Part 2

When we think about the sheer numbers of decisions made by leaders the task of improving them all seems quite daunting. The study identified a subset of decisions which had the greatest impact on 60 serious and fatal events. This article outlines an improvement strategy for organizations based on the findings.

Organizational Decision Making for Safety: Part 1

The notion that leadership matters to organizational safety is intuitive for most people. Despite this understanding, safe decision making is an aspect of leadership that has not received enough attention.