
Organizational Decision Making for Safety: Part 2

When we think about the sheer numbers of decisions made by leaders the task of improving them all seems quite daunting. The study identified a subset of decisions which had the greatest impact on 60 serious and fatal events. This article outlines an improvement strategy for organizations based on the findings.


How Safety Improvement Works, Part 3

Recent studies have made something new and exciting clear: The central theme, the through-line most useful to SIF prevention, is all about decision making for safety. Yes, reducing exposure to risk and improving the culture are crucially important. But how do leaders at different organizational levels influence those things most effectively?


Making Good Decisions in a Sea of Statistics

We think we know things we really don’t know, and as a result our decisions are comprised. Effective decision makers are willing to apply some rigor. The deeper our commitment to objective, honest, non-politicized information, the better our decisions will be, and the sooner we will find ourselves back on terra firma.

What does it take to be an effective EHS leader?

Executives don’t select people outside EHS to lead the EHS function for no reason. They do it because they need a sufficient level of skill, knowledge, and attributes to play at the necessary level. Organizations that attain real safety excellence are aware of this issue and taking active steps to address it.

Why End Meetings with Safety

Most of our clients make a great effort to start meetings in a meaningful way with respect to safety. Many enjoy collecting relevant safety topics for easy reference at the beginning of meetings, and we’ve seen countless humorous videos that illustrate critical risks and risk reduction activities. We’ve admired highly engaged employees who talk about the…

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What Is a Safety Improvement Strategy: Part 1

What Is a Safety Improvement Strategy and Why Do you Need One? It always surprises me when I see leading organizations who value safety lacking a comprehensive strategy to attain their objectives. The situation is usually something like this: “We are doing a lot to improve safety performance. Our leaders are serious about preventing Serious…

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The 7 Crucial Things all Leaders Need to Know About Safety

In our work at Krause Bell Group, we’ve found that the most important ingredient in any safety program is strong leadership. But all too often, senior leaders don’t “get” safety at the level they need to in order to be effective. So what is it that senior leaders need to ‘Get’ about safety? What is…

Science of Decision Making in Safety: Stating the Obvious

You are the maintenance manager at a recycling plant.  You have 30 work orders outstanding and you’re already over your budget for the month, but a request comes in to repair an important piece of equipment.  Your worker assigned to evaluate the problem says it will be $1000 to repair the machine. He can keep…